(Leadington, MO) The Bail or Jail fundraiser for the New Beginnings Grief and Loss Support Group and Medical Equipment Loaner Program is raising money now. The event is being held today at the White Magnolia Banquet Hall in Leadington. Former St. Francois County Judge, Sandra Martinez, is presiding over the fundraiser and she says it's a wonderful chance to help the community.
B104's Morning Go host, Audra Caine, was in the fundraising jail this morning. She was able to get out by calling people in the Parkland and raising $315 in bail money for the cause. Caine gives a big thank you to Odle Media Group for helping bail her out with their $100 donation and challenges other groups to be a part of the fundraising effort today for the New Beginnings Grief and Loss Support Group and Medical Equipment Loaner Program. If you would like to donate to the New Beginnings Grief and Loss Support Group call 573-760-3609.