(Iron County, MO) Iron County officials are looking to the future after a meeting Tuesday afternoon to discuss the possible 375 mile long Ozark Run Scenic Byway, The Presiding Commissioner of Iron County, Jim Scaggs, says if the proposal becomes a reality it would showcase the Ozarks and they hope, bring in more tourism dollars to Missouri.
The Ozark Run Byway involves 11 counties including St. Louis, Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Iron, Reynolds, Shannon, Oregon, Howell, Ozark, and Taney. There are eight incorporated towns on the run. They are Hillsboro, Sullivan, Caledonia, Centerville, Ellington, Eminence, Alton, and Forsyth. The byway application requires 100% local government approval before going to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for approval and official designation.