(Leadington, MO) Members of the Park Hills Leadington Chamber of Commerce are looking towards the future of the communities after the State of the City address from each town was presented at Tuesday's chamber business luncheon. Leadington Alderman, Andrew Young, told the crowd the town's future planning and goals revolve around securing grants for the construction of a new fire house police station combination.

Park Hills Mayor, Stacey Easter spoke next saying among other efforts, including getting a new Aquatic Center, city officials also focused on the safety of the community.

In Park Hills City Administrator, Zach Franklin's, presentation Franklin said it's important for the city to be active in the search for future development opportunities.

In other business at Tuesday's Park Hills Leadington Chamber Meeting the chamber's scholarship awards for 2023 were announced. The recipients are Madison Miner, Braden Cole, and Addison Miller.