St. Francois County August Primary Elections

(St. Francois County, MO) There are several contested races on the Republican ticket in the August primary elections in St. Francois County including the race between incumbent Congressman of the Eight District, Jason Smith and Jacob Turner. In the race for Associate Circuit Judge of the 24th Circuit Judge Patrick L. King is being challenged by Julie McCarver. The County's Circuit Clerk position has two candidates, Kristina  Bone and Elaine Easter. The St. Francois County Prosecuting Attorney position is being sought again by incumbent Melissa Gilliam who's going up against Blake Dudley. There are three republican candidates for St. Francois Township Committeeman. They are Ben Bradley, Chuck Dodson, and Kyle Smith. There are 21 candidates vying for the Missouri US Senate seat held by Roy Blunt. On the Democratic primary ticket for St. Francois County there are 11 candidates running for US Senate.

There is one measure on the ballot for voters. It's the Proposition P Internet use, or sales, tax. St. Francois County officials would earmark most of the tax for the Sheriff's department to hire additional deputies to better protect citizens and increase deputy retention efforts which would include a raise in salaries. Voters are being asked to approve this tax, which the state is already collecting. St. Francois County will not receive any of those funds unless voters approve the measure allowing the money to come to the county. Tune in to KFMO B104 News for complete election night coverage August 2nd.


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