March 7th, 2025 Local News
(Bonne Terre, MO.) The Diamonds and More KFMO B104.3 Jingle Bell Rock contest winner for 2019 is Taylor Chilton of Farmington. Taylor found the Jingle Bell Rock in a barbecue grill at Veteran's Park in Bonne Terre. Our secret meeting place for the hunt was at the Bone Terre Firehouse. Contestants were led to the Bonne Terre Firehouse after collecting clue cards at participating businesses over the last few weeks. Chilton says she's excited and this is the first time she's ever won anything.
Chilton works in the North County School district. She wins over $11,000 in jewelry from Diamonds and More Jewelers of Farmington in the 2019 KFMO B104.3 Jingle Bell Rock Contest.